Monday, 16 November 2015


                As an innovation to lessonplan a drama is used to write lessonplan to discuss the topic “Meaning & Importance of Management.So that the students get more idea regarding the subject.
Drama is a specific mode of narrative , typically functional representation in performance.The word Drama is derived from the verb “Drao”which means,”to do or to act”.The enact of drama theatre,performed by actors on a stage before an audiance, presupposes collaborative modes of production and collective form of reception . If a lesson is introduced and developed through a drama,it will have great appeal leading to effective learning .Through drama students grasps the content very effectively.Inorder to conduct a group activity,teacher devided the class into different groups and conduct a group discussion by providing an activity card. Then the group members are then asked to discuss the topic.After the discussion all the groups reassembles.Finally,the general group arrives at the find sollution of the problem under consideration.

Phase 1; Introducing the lesson with story based Drama.
Phase 2; Development of the topic by continuing the Drama
Phase 3; The topic is concluded by summarising and classifying the doubts by giving an activity and review questions.

Name of the Teacher: Veenakarunakaran                            Standard: XII
Name of the School:                                                          Strength:
Subject: Business Studies                                                   Average age:
Unit: Nature & Significance of Management                       Duration:
Topic: Meaning & Importance of Management                   Date:

Content outline: Management- Meaninng & Importance.
Content Analysis


Management, optimum utilisation,challenges,goals,etc.


1.Managment is an art of getting things done through others.
2.Management involves utilising scarce resources optimally for the benefit of organisation.
3.Management is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and througt other people.
4.proper management ensures economic and effective utilisation of scarce resources of organisation.
5.Management is an intangible or unseen force.
6.Management is a doing function.
7.Management is a dynamic function
8.Management is essential for whole type of organisation.
9.Proper management ensures effective functioning and running of a business organisation.
10.Management is a goal oriented.
11.Management is always directed to us fulfillment of some predetermind goals.
12.Management is a set of function that exist in effective utilisation of scarce resources.
13.Management involves forseeing the future, determind the plans and acquisition of resources,proper utilisation etc.

             Management is a distinct process consisting of planning,organising,actuating,controlling,and the utilising resources of organisation for accomplishing pre-determind objectives.

Curricular objective

              To generate the idea about management and its importance through brain storming,general discussion,assignment etc.


               The students should have an idea about the term management and they are also aware that the management is essential for the organisation irrespective of size,form,and nature of activity.

Teaching-learning resources

-Usual classroom aids like chalk board
-Powerpoint presentation

Teaching learning strategies

-Powerpoint presentation


-SCERT Text book
-Business studies textbook-D.C.Bose

Classroom interaction Proceedure       
Phase.1; Introductory Phase
Act ivity.1[ Brain storming with the help of drama]
                After the routineclassroom practices the teacher begins the class by give instruction to the students for a drama presentation to be performed by the students about the topic ‘meaning &importace of management’. Then the teacher asks the students to comeforward and start the drama presentation.
The students who are assigned the role, starts the drama.
[Nandhu, a 12 years boy who was sitting in a chair, his uncle was reading the newspaper]
Uncle        ; Nandhu.........
Nandhu    ; Hai uncle, How are you?
Uncle        ; I am fine nandhu. What about your studies?
Nandhu    ; Going very well uncle. Today, we have no class , because the manager of our school had passed away.
Uncle        ;Oh!Parameswaran pillai .He was a nice person.
Nandhu     ;Uncle, you know him?
Uncle        ;Yes nandhu, he was an efficient personality
Because he was the owner of so many                                      institutions.He manages these are verry well.
Nandhu    ;Uncle,what do you mean by a manager?
Uncle       ; Nandhu,manager is a person who manages  and lead an institution for achieving the their goals.
               At this time the tacher shows the PPT containing the meaning of management.

Mangement is getting things done through others

Phase,2; Developmental phase
     [continuing with drama]

Nandhu  ;Uncle, do you want to go to office?
Uncle      ; Yes....I wwant to go office.     
Nandhu   ; What are the activities operated in your business?
Uncle     ;Nandhu,umbrella is the product produced by my business.
In manufacturing umbrellas the inputs are produced at different point for its formation into final product.The cloth is cut in its correct measure any defect in its cutting is further compensated by producing smaller umbrellas [optimum utilisation].
The workers work together to attain the target set by the company[Accomplishment of group goals]
Proper use of men,material,methods, machinesetc for efficiently producing the product with minimum wastage[reduce cost of product].
Making innovation to meet  the needs of the customers or

attract customers to face the competition in the market[Meet the challenges of change and stability].
Increasing sales and profits contributes to the national income and development[Helps in attain national goal].
Nandhu  ;oh.....uncle..these are the operations in your business!!!!!!
I too want to start a business in future.
[Ends the drama]
At this time the teacher show the PPT containing importance of management &explain it.


1)Optimum utilisation of scarce resources
2)Accomplishment of group goals
3)Essential to reduce cost of product
4)Management meets the challanges of change
5)Helps in national growth

Phase 3;Concluding Phase
                          At the concluding phase the teacher concluded the topic and give another activity card to check the knowledge.
Activity:1 (Group discussion)

1)----------is getting things done through others.
2)Accomplishment of group goals is the main objective of-----------.
3)---------meets the challanges of change.
4)Management is a---------.
                           Teacher asks the group leaders to present the answers and conclude  the topic with the help of the students and give some review questions.
     Review Questions

1)What do you mean by management?
2)Management is presise, why?    
3)Discuss the importance of management in the modern world.

               Visit a nearby organisation and observes the activities performed by the management.

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